November 6Too often, we see rules as constraining instead of freeing, but we all need rules in order to live a good life. Our best life is not the one without constraints, but where we live with the proper constraints. The same thing is true for families, businesses, friendships, and more. We live by unspoken laws, but laws nonetheless. As followers of Christ, leading people requires us first to be led by the law of God.
November 13Power corrupts. None of us are immune. The instruction of scripture is clear: create accountability that stretches beyond human capacity and invites the presence of God.
November 20Are we in an exile as modern Christians in 2022? There is temptation to complain about the decline of the church or a world that is hostile to our faith. Daniel pushes us to ask a different question: “How do we thrive in the midst of exile?” The people of God were still called to serve, live, and lead in exile. If Daniel could lead his people in such a crisis, surely we can lead today.