January 7Jesus is eternal (John 1), the agent of all creation (Col 1:16), and through his life, death, and resurrection, inaugurated the end or telos (John 19:30), now (Matt 12:28) and forever (Matt 24:44). When we follow Jesus, we can be confident that he is God and one with God.
January 14Jesus demonstrates for us how through our own willingness to die (to self and even unto life), we show what true love is, and thus overcome evil with good.
January 21When we understand ourselves as sheep, we see that we are prone to wander. We are basically dumb. We make bad decisions. We need someone to protect us from harm. Jesus is our Shepherd.
January 28He is the way — a way of living, a rhythm of life, the practical decisions of daily existence. He is the truth – truth is not a proposition or a philosophy, but only found in the person of Jesus Christ. He is the life – Jesus is clear that the life abundantly lived (John 10:10) only comes through him.
February 4Jesus is the source of all life. When we, as branches, are connected well to the vine, we bear fruit. When we become disconnected, we whither and die. When Jesus said he is the bread of life, he answered the question raised in the prayer he offered to the disciples in the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus is the source of sustenance (Matt 6:11). But bread is more than just physiological; it is also a primary sign of fellowship and hospitality, which are core convictions to God’s people.
February 11Jesus is clear: the Kingdom of God is not found in the formation of political systems and in the exercise of human power, no matter how noble the intent. The Kingdom of God is only found in the presence of God and is only built by Jesus (Matt 16:18). Jesus is the only good, true, and beautiful source of authority.